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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Nails tell your health

A healthy body, energy and a well-proportioned figure all depend on what we eat because food will definitely affect our health, whether it is our hair, skin or nails. Many people misunderstand that just using a good shampoo will make our hair strong and shiny,

What foods can slow down aging?

Foods that slow down aging or anti-aging supplements will help you look younger even though your body is starting to age with age. But eating the right foods will also help slow down aging and reduce the deterioration of cells in your body. Experts have

Burn energy and chill. without exercising

Burn energy and chill. without exercising. Burn energy in a chill way. You can do it without exercising. Just keep moving your body. Do activities in your daily life to be active. Do it regularly and control it with eating the right amount of food.

What do comedones look like? Causes and correct treatment

What do acne comedones look like? Causes and correct treatment. When talking about ” acne ,” the problem of “clogged acne” is one of the worst enemies of people with acne. Because clogged pores are difficult to deal with. They often occur in large numbers at the

How do you know you’re fat?

How do you know you’re fat? More or less obesity? In addition to weighing Can also be measured by measurement and calculation formulas. If you are too fat, you need to reduce your eating habits. Turn to exercise To keep the weight within the range

Exercise It is a good antidepressant.

Exercise It is a good antidepressant. Depression has become a major problem for people around the world. Currently found that 10% of the United States population has a problem with depression. How to treat it? Medication and group therapy activities. When I found this research

Barley is an ancient grain that is popular and full of health benefits.

Barley is an ancient grain that is popular and full of health benefits. Both may help reduce cholesterol. Reduce blood sugar levels Strengthen the function of the digestive system Helps lose weight and reduce the risk of cancer. Barley is rich in nutritional substances that are beneficial to the body.