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Tag Archives: Exercise

Treadmill: Promote good quality sleep

Currently, running is a very popular form of exercise, whether it is outdoor running or indoor running on a treadmill, depending on the aptitude and preferences of each person. Of course, there are many benefits of running on a treadmill, but if you are not running on

How do you know you’re fat?

How do you know you’re fat? More or less obesity? In addition to weighing Can also be measured by measurement and calculation formulas. If you are too fat, you need to reduce your eating habits. Turn to exercise To keep the weight within the range

Exercise It is a good antidepressant.

Exercise It is a good antidepressant. Depression has become a major problem for people around the world. Currently found that 10% of the United States population has a problem with depression. How to treat it? Medication and group therapy activities. When I found this research