What do acne comedones look like? Causes and correct treatment.

When talking about ” acne ,” the problem of “clogged acne” is one of the worst enemies of people with acne. Because clogged pores are difficult to deal with. They often occur in large numbers at the same time and over a wide area. Sometimes it appears as blackheads or whiteheads on the face. It creates a lot of uncertainty in daily life. So how should we treat clogged acne?
What is clogged pores?
Comedones are: A type of closed comedon. Clogged acne is caused by the blockage of fat and various dirt particles in the pores. It looks like a raised, swollen bump. Sometimes it may found that the clogged pore has no head. There are no pustules either. However, if you do not take good care of your clogged pores, If cleanliness is not maintaine, clogge acne may develop into inflamed acne.
How many types of clogged acne are there?
1. Whiteheads (Whiteheads)
Whiteheads or closed comedones are a type of acne ทางเข้า ufabet Which is in the group of clogged pores. Whiteheads are cause by blockage of dirt inside the pores such as oil, bacteria, and sweat stains. When these things become clogged inside the pores, it causes white pus-filled acne heads or cysts (Cystic space) that look like closed comedones. When you squeeze or pop a whitehead, fluid, blood, or pus will come out. Many people like to pop out clogged pores. However, if cleanliness is not maintained well Or treating clogged pores and whiteheads incorrectly can cause acne inflammation. Therefore, acne treatment should only consult with an expert doctor.
2. Blackheads (blackheads)
Blackheads (Blackheads) or Open Comedone (Open Comedone) are the appearance of clogged pores. that have black, hard acne heads. The reason we notice blackheads is because when the initially yellow or white comedones react with air, they turn black. Blackheads are cause by blockages of dead skin cells. Hair, tissue, and fat within the pores become clogged in the superficial layer of the skin. If blackheads appear over a long period of time, they can cause the pores to appear larger.
What are the causes of clog pores?
What many people may wonder is, what causes clogged pores? As for the causes of clogged pores. They can divide into 4 causes as follows:
- Sebaceous glands (Sebum) produce too much oil. causing inflammation Combined with the abnormal shedding of skin cells, it causes clogging and becomes clogged pores.
- Skin cells (Keratinocytes) have excessive skin cell proliferation and abnormally slow skin cell turnover. It can cause blockage and lead to acne.
- C.Acnes bacteria causes skin inflammation.
- immune system in the body
Other stimulating factors that cause acne include:
- Testosterone levels in the body are too high, especially during adolescence.
- Wash your face too often
- Not cleaning the face well enough causes dirt to remain and accumulate until it causes clogged pores.
- Wearing thick clothing causes the accumulation of sweat and bacteria.
- Wearing a mask causes buildup and dampness.
- Dust, smoke, pollution
- Food: Certain foods, such as fried food, oily food, chocolate, milk, and foods high in sugar, may be a factor in causing comedones in some people. However, you should observe yourself regularly.
- Heredity: It found. That if people in the family. Such as parents, had a lot of acne during their teenage years. This may result in your child having a lot of acne during their teenage years as well.
- Cosmetics and skin care products Some products we use Whether used on the face or body, there may be ingredients that cause irritation. Contains color or perfume or even shampoo It can cause clogged pores. People with sensitive skin or those with clogged pores should be careful when choosing.
- Stress, not enough rest Stress is one factor that causes the sebaceous glands to work more.
- Long-term use of certain drugs, such as steroids