How much protein should people get per day at each age?

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Protein is an essential nutrient for the body. Everyone should get enough protein each day to replenish energy, as well as repair and build muscle, which is an important component of the organs and systems of the body. The benefits of protein are many, but to get the full benefits, we must eat protein appropriate for our age and the activities we do. Let’s see how much protein each person should get per day so that we can eat enough so that the body can absorb and use it well.

The amount of protein you should receive each day is divided according to your age range as follows:

  • Children under 4 years of age should get 13 grams of protein/day.
  • Children aged 4-8 years should get 19 grams of protein/day.
  • Children aged 9-13 years should get 34 grams of protein/day.
  • Girls 14 years and older should get 46 grams of protein per day.
  • Boys aged 14-18 should get 52 grams of protein per day.
  • Men 19 years and older should get 56 grams of protein per day.

Protein sources 

Protein is a nutrient that provides energy, helps repair damaged tissues, builds muscle, and also helps deliver oxygen in the blood to nourish every organ in the body and creates antibodies that function to fight foreign substances that enter the body, such as viruses and bacteria, which helps reduce the risk of infection that leads to illness. And protein is a nutrient in both plant and animal. 1 gram of protein provides 4 kilocalories of energy. In general, we should get about 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. However, each age and activity level may vary according to the needs.